As 2020 falls asleep and 2021 rises; its important that we take a moment to be grateful and reflect on the goodness of God. Without question, 2020 has been a year of storms, valleys, and trails; yet I cannot help but to see the hand of God at work each step of the way. Here at NAAMC we've seen the execution of our first Virtual Experience reaching more attendees than all previous years. We were able to bestow more missions awards to new and returning missionaries seeking financial assistance, and we've been able to smoothly transition into a year-round organizational resource for mobilizing African Americans for global missions.
I'm reminded of the Psalmist David, when he said in Psalm 119,"it is good that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy statues." While COVID-19 has certainly come with its afflictions, it has also been a season of learning and re-learning for the church. Lessons that sometimes are easy to forget but are foundational for victorious Christian living; things like God's Supremacy; Trusting in the Lord, and always making home a priority. This season has forced us to return and strengthen the basics of our faith. Another powerful lesson I learned this year was that our previous schedules of being super busy all the time are no longer needed nor healthy for us to continue. We must work and live from a place of rest!
Lastly, as we step into a new chapter in time, making wise investments and giving to causes, we believe in will be extremely vital in advancing the Kingdom of God. I invite and encourage you to invest in NAAMC. Invest in vision trips or first-time pastors. Invest in discovery trips for new missionaries. Invest in cultural & diversity training for leaders. Invest in children and teen missions programming. Invest into the efforts to mobilize more African Americans for the Great Commission. Join the 150 Challenge and invest in the National African American Missions Council... From there to Everywhere!
Have a Blessed & Happy New Year,
Pastor Adrian Reeves | NAAMC Executive Director